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Lightroom mobile Temple Preset (Free DNG) | Lightroom mobile presets

Temple preset from Lightroom gives you a clean, fast, toolset for making your photos or images perfect. Photos or images will give you a smooth background that look like amazing. This preset is perfect for your photos or images that took at temple especially in SR province , and it is good for Instagram, and social media to take your photos or images to the next levels.
Note: It was tested on difference photos or images. One click is magic but remember based on your personal shooting style, lighting condition and etc. If you want to make your photos or images look great you have to make sure that your photos or images were took by original camera, not camera that installed from app store or play store, because sometimes your photos or images didn’t clear as original camera.

This video below you can make this preset


How to get this preset or DNG file : 
*Watch the video and follow step by step 
*You can get this preset by password 


 #### How to get the password : #### 
-The password will appear as a Card Upper right corner of video 
-The password will show anytime , Please Watch the video and Don't skip 
-Please pay attention to collect the password 
-The password is a 4 digit number, and will appeal two part 

          For Example : 1/. Password: 12** 
                                  2/. Password: **34 

 When you collect two part already, You can merge this two (Part 1 + Part 2) to one part , 
          For Example : Part 1 + Part 2= 1234✔ 

 I hope you get the preset. Copy and past this preset to your photo you will get new look. 

 Thank you for Watching My video 



 I hope you enjoy with this preset 
 ML Editing

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